Lungi dal voler esprimere il mio parere personale su un blog
di turismo, non dirò se sono contenta o meno che Donald Trump sia stato eletto
Presidente degli Stati Uniti: vicino di casa, unico paese confinante con il
La rete è piena di articoli, video e VIGNETTE. Ecco, mi
limiterò a riproporre alcune vignette; tutto da ridere se non fosse una
faccenda dannatamente seria!
Quanti siano attualmente i moduli di richiesta non lo so ma
gli Uffici Immigrazione di Ambasciata e Consolati canadesi in USA sono stati
presi d’assalto ed oberati di lavoro fin dal giorno dopo le elezioni.
Ho trovato molto simpatica l’intervista della giornalista
americana Liz Plank a Justin Trudeau, Primo Ministro del Canada.
Secondo il commento ai video pubblicati da VOX la scorsa
primavera ben il 28% degli americano era deciso a trasferirsi in Canada se
fosse stato eletto Trump.
Tra le centinaia di articoli apparsi sulla stampa canadese,
propongo quello del Burrard Street Journal di Vancouver datato 29 che commenta
un’intervista del talk show Fox and Friends a Donald Trump. Incredibile!
Trump has told Fox and Friends that he believes the
U.S. “should never have allowed” Canada to gain independence. The
republican candidate for president freely admits to being “a little rusty” on
Canadian history, but feels confident that the United States owned
Canada “at some point”, and claims giving it back was a “major mistake”.
The former
reality tv star was responding to a question about Puerto Rico possibly
becoming the 51st of the United States, when he made the statement. “It
used to be 51 you know, when we had Canada,” Trump said, pointing to
an American flag, “Or 52 if you count Mexico which I never will, no matter how
much they beg.”
interviewer Brian Kilmeade, seemed unmoved by Trump’s remark and asked him to explain his
understanding of Canadian/American history, as the Fox host began
scribbling notes:
“I personally think it was the
biggest mistake in American history, giving Canada back. Look at that place
now, it’s falling to pieces. It’s overrun by godless, gunless hippies and it’s
such a shame to see.”
As the
host nodded along, Trump explained that America got a “terrible deal”
with Canada who “stole” the land over a thousand years ago “or something
like that”.
“It was a truly awful deal.
Canada gets Toronto and Vancouver, which has the hottest women, and what
did we get? Alaska? The Florida of Canada? Such a terrible deal.”
“Well what
are you going to do if elected?” Kilmeade asked. “Forcefully take Canada
and claim it as part of America?”
“I think
that’s gotta be an option,” Trump responded. “You know, they’ve got a lot of
oil up there, a lot.”
“I’m not
sure there is any evidence to support this theory, Donald,” Kilmeade intervened. “I mean
wasn’t Canada founded by Britain and France who invaded–” “No, are you kidding
me?” Trump interrupted. “You think that either of those guys know the first
thing about war? No Canada has belonged to America since Jesus’ time, and
that’s a fact.”
after the controversial interview, Trump reiterated his stance towards Canada with a tweet that was deleted 20 minutes later,
not before being retweeted over 6,000 times.
No comment.
Il Presidente a cui piacciono i
No comment.
Conferenza Stampa di Justin Trudeau, Primo Ministro del
Canada, del 10 novembre 2016
Ovviamente Trudeau si mantiene sul politically correct
ma non è lo stesso per molta stampa e commentatori canadesi:
☹ The first reality show
president. Hold on to your hats
☹ A man who is basically a vulgar, puerile
☹ An insult to the great tradition of
intellectualism in the Republican Party
☹ An insult to the American democratic
☹ He isn’t racist. He’s just politically
☹ His brand of politics is something that is
foreign to all of us in Canada
☹ An insult to basic human decency
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